Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Cops probe viral racial road-rage spat

 Police are investigating a racial road-rage incident after it went viral on social media.
Egan Vorster had posted a video on Facebook that shows a man striking him in the face with a large wooden stick along Jan van Riebeeck Drive in Paarl. Vorster’s post had more than 7 000 shares, 2 000 “likes” and 4 000 comments.
The recording shows a white motorist Vorster claims called him a "hotnot", after a near collision. The man then strikes Vorster in the face.
Attempts to reach Vorster were unsuccessful and the identity of the other person was still unknown.
Vorster posted: “When I passed him and gave him the ‘head-shake’, he responded by calling me a hotnot - which is Cape for ‘I don’t like you because you have a nice tan’. 
He then swerved in front of me a second time, showing aggressive hand-signs, and even though my lip-reading is not on CIA-field-agent level, I could make out the words ‘ek sal jou bliksem’.”
Vorster, referring to the other driver as padvark (road hog) after both pull over, records the man removing the object from his boot.
His post continues: “Now I know what some of you are thinking, you’re thinking I should have just carried on driving serenely down the beautiful streets of Southern Paarl. 
"Instead I stopped my car as well, and no - I did not jump out of my car like an idiot. That didn’t stop him though. He jumped out and grabbed a large wooden stick from his car which he used to strike me in the face.”
Police spokesperson FC van Wyk said a case of assault and intimidation was being investigated.

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