Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Malema's warning to Zuma

EFF leader Julius Malema has sent a warning to President Jacob Zuma that he would never have a peaceful sleep even if he survived today's motion of no confidence.
Addressing thousands of people who participated in the march to Parliament by opposition parties and civil society organisation, Malema said they had promised that they will do everything in their power to remove Zuma.
"Even if we fail today we will still meet him in the Constitutional Court because he still has a case of impeachment to answer. He still has a criminal case to answer against him," he said.
Malema also said Zuma would never have a peaceful sleep.
"The only time Zuma will have a peaceful sleep is when he resigns and go back to Nkandla and looks after cattle," he said to applause.
Malema said when the beleaguered Zuma fails to preside over South Africa, "we will take from him and assign it to people who will respect the constitution".
In an apparent reference to today's parliamentary, Malema said the fight against Zuma would continue.
"Not even those white shirt bouncers can defend Zuma."
He also said all MPs should vote for the protection of the constitution and the country.
"If they vote Zuma even in secret we must know the problem is not Zuma, but it is all the criminals who are found in Parliament calling themselves honourable...They are fellow criminals with Zuma,"he said again to huge applause.
Malema said ANC MPs had no reason to vote in support of Zuma.
"Secret ballot has been delivered," he said.
Speaker Baleka Mbete decided that the vote on motion of no confidence in Zuma will be by secret ballot.
The Constitutional Court had ruled that Mbete has the prerogative to decide on secret or open ballot.
Announcing her decision at a media briefing yesterday, Mbete said she was required to guard the procedures of Parliament and to ensure that the outcome of this very important vote is credible
"The Speaker must do this without fear or favour. It is with that in mind that this decision is also about putting the resilience of our democratic institution to test," she said
In the build-up to today's motion, some ANC MPs had openly expressed desire that she decide on open ballot.
This was despite the ANC saying they should toe party line and those that broke ranks would face consequence.
Outspoken ANC MP Makhosi Khoza, who is now facing disciplinary action for calling on Zuma to step down, had even received death threats.
Her colleague Mondli Gungubele was gaggeed from making public statements on voting with his conscience.

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