Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Muthambi denies leaking Cabinet documents#GuptaMails

 Public Service and Administration Minister Faith Muthambi has denied she shared sensitive Cabinet information with the Guptas during her time at the Communications Department.
Muthambi said on Wednesday she never shared any such documents with the Gupta family.
This followed thousands of leaked e-mails implicating some Cabinet Ministers in business dealings with the Guptas.
The e-mails have allegedly also implicated CEO, chairpersons, various executives and board members of state-owned entities.
Muthambi was replying to written questions in Parliament from Cope deputy leader Willie Madisha and Leigh-Ann Mathys of the EFF.
Mathys wanted to know if she ever shared Cabinet documents with the Guptas and she said no.
However, she did not elaborate on her replies.
The e-mails revealed that Muthambi allegedly sent the Guptas a proclamation on her powers in 2014 before it was even signed by President Jacob Zuma.
Muthambi was the Minister of Communications at the time she allegedly communicated policy matters with the Guptas.
She was moved by Zuma during the recent Cabinet reshuffle to public service and administration.
She also indicated a few months ago she was going to challenge the report of the ad hoc committee in Parliament on wrongdoing at the SABC.
The inquiry had made findings against her.

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