Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Mbalula won't rule ANCYL from grave#Maine

African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) president Collen Maine says Fikile Mbalula must know that he will not rule the party's league from the grave, adding Mbalula should say if he doesn't want to serve as the second deputy secretary-general and not degrade Free State Premier Ace Magashule.
Last week, Mbalula tweeted that Magashule, who is on the ANCYL slate as their preferred choice as the party’s next secretary-general, would destroy what's left of the ANC and urged the league to support Gauteng Premier David Makhura for the position.
Maimane says Mbalula will not rule the ANCYL from the grave.
“He had his time as the ANC Youth League president and we never interfered with his leadership. I think we are getting the message clearly from him that he won’t be available to serve the collective.”
He has criticised him for his comments on Magashule.
“To degrade another comrade is not okay. We still believe Ace will not kill the ANC. If Mbalula and Ace have problems, it’s not our issue.”
He says the league will engage with Mbalula, saying if he is unavailable to stand for the position they nominated him for, they will look for his replacement.

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